Kota Gede

One of the gates in Kota Gede.

Kota Gede also known as Pasar Gede is an area in the Indonesian city ofYogyakarta. One of the old capitals of Mataram, the area now has an archaeological site which contains the remains of the kraton (palace), the royal cemetery, and royal mosque of Mataram, dated from the late 16th and early 17th centuries.
The honorable name of this location in a higher and more respectful level ofJavanese language (Kromo) is Pasar Gede.


There are many legends and local tales connecting the site to the Mataram palace, however there are very few physical remains of the palace and capital city. Parts that have survived include the Kota Gede royal mosque, the royal cemetery (precursor to Imogiri) and some sections of the original palace walls.
The city lost its prestige when the center of power was shifted to Kartasura near modern Surakarta. The city further lost its political and cultural significance after Imogiri became the royal cemetery for the sultanates. The sultanate of Mataram was separated intoYogyakarta Sultanate and Surakarta.


The Royal Graveyard holds important graves that trace connections of Mataram with earlier kingdoms, and the placement of the graves within the covered area of the graveyard can be considered as a physical representation of 'silsilah' or genealogy of the rulers and their progenitors. It is guarded and maintained by Juru Kunci who are employed by the two palaces of Yogyakarta and Surakarta.


Since the 1930s Kota Gede has become well-known for its silverworks and silver handicrafts. [1]
Jalan Kemasan, the main street leading into town from the north, is lined with silver workshops selling hand-beaten bowls, boxes, finefiligree and modern jewellery .

source : wikipedia.org
