Pantai Baron

Pantai Baron
Baron Beach is one of the attractions such as the beach, located in the village of Kemadang, District Tanjungsari, Gunungkidul. Baron Beach location can be reached 40 km daeri city center. The origin of the name comes from the name Baron Dutch nobleman named Baron Skeber. The nobility never landed his ship on the south coast precisely on the beach which is currently known as the Baron. The road to Baron Beach attractions well enough to pass private vehicles, motorcycles and buses.

Tourist attraction Baron Beach is a beach that forms the basin. Like the other beaches, at Baron Beach provided a variety of marine fish and their processed products. The fish are usually sold at Baron Beach is tiger shrimp, snapper, white pomfret and cob. [2] Baron has facilities such as a fish auction, children's rides, a boat engine, and a souvenir shop. Sirkaya fruit, banana horns, soursop, and various souvenirs made of shells laut.Cinderamata made from shells that are sold at Baron Beach is a brooch, curtain shells, decorative lamps, mirrors decorated with coral, figura, and various animal characters are also made of sea ​​shells.

Sea alms ceremony is a ceremony that is still often done by people of Gunung. Baron Beach is one of the places to hold the sea alms ceremony. Sea alms ceremony is held every year on the Shura in the Javanese calendar. Sea alms ceremony performed as an expression of gratitude for the locals on the abundance of fish catches at Baron Beach. Initially, the bulk of the population around the Beach Baron is not fishermen, but the farmers who cultivate the garden. One time there was someone who started fishing on the seaside and get a lot of fish, and then a lot of people who follow the person to catch fish. Increasingly, fish on the beach getting a little then try to catch fish population ketengah sea using a wooden raft. Their ships on this coast because of a tragedy when fishermen while fishing at sea bitten by sharks then this news was spread everywhere and make government donated boats for fishermen Baron Beach.

The uniqueness of Baron Beach is the presence of underground sunga fairly swift flowing toward the ocean. The underground river flows into the sea and form a river. Uniquely underground river that is at Baron Beach is a sense that fresh water despite being very close to the laut.Pengunjung who do not dare to play and swim in the sea can splash and swim dialiran underground river. Other sights in Baron Beach is a hill located around the coast. Visitors can enjoy the beauty of the beach from the top of the hill

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