Ujung Kulon National Park

Ujung Kulon National Park located in the most western part of Java Island, Indonesia. This national park area also includes the area of Krakatoa and several smaller islands surrounding like Handeuleum Island and Island Peucang. This park has an area of ​​about 1122.956 hectares; (443 km ² of which are marine), which starts from the cape of Ujung Kulon to the Indian Ocean.
National Park became the first national park established in Indonesia, and has also been unveiled as one of the World Heritage protected by UNESCO in 1991, because the area of protected forests cover an extremely broad. To date approximately 50 to 60 rhinos live in this habitat.
At first Ujung Kulon is an agricultural area on several times until finally shattered and exhausted the whole population when the Krakatau volcano erupted on August 27, 1883 which ended up turning it back into the forest region.
Permission to enter this National Park can be found at the National Park Headquarters in the city of Labuan or Tamanjaya. Lodging can be found on the island and Peucang Handeuleum.
Park is home with Krakatau Nature Reserve is a national asset, and has been designated as a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1991.
To improve management capabilities Park is home to the World Natural Heritage Site, UNESCO has provided financial support and technical assistance.


Flora in Ujung Kulon National Park form various forest formations, where wood formation is characterized by the dominance of species / species. Judging from the type of forest, flora in this region consists of coastal forest, lowland tropical rain forest, tropical rain forest and mountains, freshwater swamp forests, mangrove forests and grasslands. Forest formation contains a fairly complete genetic diversity and rare species of plants useful and very high. Several rare plant species known on the island of Java and only in TN Ujung Kulon include: Batryohora geniculate, Cleidion spiciflorum, Heritiera percoriacea and Knema globularia. In addition, many different types of plant communities that have been utilized for timber, medicine, ornamental plants and food. The types that have been used include bayur (Pterospemum javanicum) and a variety of rattan (Calamus sp.) As a carpentry; gaharu (Aquilaria malaccensis), Wood Chrysolite (Michelia campaca) and wood jambe (Areca catechu) as a drug-pharmaceuticals; orchid (Dendrobium sp.) as an ornamental plant; Tangkil (Gnetum gnemon) and bark (Salacca edulis) as a food ingredient.
Coastal forests are generally characterized by the presence of other types of nyamplung (Calophyllum innophyllum), butun (Barringtonia asiatica), Klampis China (Hemandia peltata), ketapang (Terminalia catappa), cingkil (Pongamia pinnata) and others. Coastal forest formations is commonly known as the Barringtonia formation with species that are less diverse and more nyamplung is kind of typical type. These formations are along the West coast and Northeast Ujung Kulon Peninsula, Peucang Island, along the northern coast and bays Kasuaris Panaitan Island. This formation generally live on the coral sand beach extends along a narrow path with a width of 5 to 15 meters.

ujung kulon National Park

Ujung Kulon National Park to various species of wildlife have both endemic and important to protect. In general, the area is still able to accommodate the proliferation of various wildlife populations. Several important endemic species and is a very rare type needs to be protected is the Javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus), Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch), Javan (Presbytis aigula) and Coyote (Cuon alpinus javanicus).
Ujung Kulon Peninsula is now the most important habitat of the Javan rhino, whose population is estimated there are 50-60 tails, and is the only place in the world where naturally Javan Rhino is able to multiply in the last decade. In this national park is estimated there are about 30 species of mammals, which consists of ungulate mammals such as Rhino, Buffalo, Elk, Deer, Mouse Deer, and Wild Boar, mammalian predators such as Leopard, Dog Woods, Tiger Dahan, Civet Cats and Forests, small mammals like walang Kopo, Tando, porcupines, ground squirrels, bats, bintarung, otters, rats, anteaters and jelarang. Among primates there are two endemic species, namely Gibbon and Javan. 'm Kind of other primates is monkey (Presbytis cristata), slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) and long-tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis) have a pretty good population and spread in some areas.
Banteng (Bos javanicus) is the largest and most hoofed animal population is (± 500 fish). This species is only found in Ujung Kulon Peninsula and Mount Honje, and not found on the island of Panaitan. Deer (Cervus timorensis) in Ujung Kulon Peninsula and Mount Honje present in number and spread is extremely limited, and in New Peucang be found in abundance, and in New Panaitan shows that more and more developments. Wild boar (Sus scrofa), muncak (Muntiacus muntjak) and coney (Tragulus javanicus) are relatively common across the region, but the wild boar (Sus verrucosus) only encountered in Ujung Kulon Peninsula and Mount Honje.

source : www.wikipedia.org
