The most important part of the country is determined by the limit of gari kathulistiwa rain chain. It has the character of a tropical climate. Position georafis also make Indonesia become an archipelago of mostly small island surrounded by the sea. It also allows an active air circulation. As a result, the climate was not too different from other areas kathulistiwa other oceans around the world. Abundant rain, temperature and high humidity to the average climatic regions of Indonesia. The average low temperature is 18 degrees Celsius. Furthermore proximity to the continent asia and australia asia krakteristik Indonesian islands provide the alternativ accordance with the seasons. Trade and monsoon winds coming from the Indian and Pacific oceans menyifatkan tropical character.

In Indonesia applies only two weather seasons, dry and wet seasons, also known as the rainy season. In some areas, the rains down from the month of December to March, while the dry season from May to October, with a transitional period characterized by shifting winds and changing weather in the months of March to May and September to November. The transitional period between these two seasons alternation makes the day with full sun and the rain interlude. Even in the middle of the rainy season the temperature ranges from 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit) to 33 degrees Celsius (90 degrees Fahrenheit), but the area just above can cooler latitudes. Heaviest rain on record occurred in December and January each year.

 Fauna & Flora

FaunaThe Indonesian archipelago is located to one of the animals spread the geographical boundaries of the most remarkable in the world, referring back to the ice age when the floods swept the world. Ice age, Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan Kan lies in the Sunda plateau and the plains to merge with the other continents of Asia, while Papua and Australia lie in separate Sahul the era. Segresi geographic explain why some ancient fauna species found in Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan are completely different to those in Papua. Just as well there are some wild animals in Papua yag not found in other areas.The area between the two faults (Maluku, Sulawesi, and the small Sunda islands) has a kind of unique fauna richness. The bulk of the fauna found in the area not Sulwesi, although just 50 miles from Borneo to cross the strait makasar, and islands such as Ceram and Halmahera, which is closest to Papua is largely devoid of fauna. This is due to the presence of a deep strait between Borneo and Celebes and Banda Sea it so that the islands were never in touch with each other during the Ice Age. Scientists describe this situation fauna into three eras: Wallace (era shift from south to north through the Straits of Lombok and Makassar, ended up southeastern Philippines), Weber (age shift and past the sea between Maluku and Sulawesi) and Lydekker (era shift the waterfront Sahul, which along the western border of Papua and Australia) - even though most of them would rather mengkarakteristikkanya area as as? subtractible transition zone?.Information obtained from the paleontological record stating that the number of species known today ynag less than the past. Extinction of some species of animals are likely to occur due to the prevalence of the ecological and evolutionary processes associated with various factors limit increase sea water, climate change and habitat. For example, in Java, at least more than 75 species of mammals are known as fossils, 35 are extinct, 20 are still alive and 20 others died in Java but still found elsewhere in Asia. The process of extinction of animals on the island of Java in recent years related to human impact on ecosystems.Orangutans (Pongo pygemaeus), found only in Sumatra and Kalimantan, once heavily dependent on the forest habitat of origin. Therefore, to protect their habitat, Indonesia in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has established Project? Orang Utan Rehabilitation? Bahorok region and Tanjung Puting, particularly in Sumatra and Kalimantan, to train back ever caught orangutans in order to return to live in the wild.

FloraIndonesia lies in the area of ​​plant Melanesia, covering the southern peninsula Malaysia, the Indonesian archipelago, the Philippines and throughout Papua New Guinea and the Solomon islands except Papua. Most of the Melanesian region covered by dense tropical rainforest plants and fertile, wet land always has a large number of species of trees that includes epiphytes, saprophytes and lianas. These characteristics and a large number of genera and species endemic to this region make the flora of Indonesia is very different from the neighboring continental Asia and Australia, as well as other tropical flora from other parts of the world. The wealth of the Melanesian region represented the major portion of which Indonesia, drawn from close to 40,000 species of plants, or about 10-12% of the estimated number of plant species in the world.With a height of 1000 m, the better development of what is included in the normal temperature can be seen as the Rosaceae, Lauraceae, fogaceae etc.. On the higher ground, found elfin or mossy forest and alpine vegetation, but comparatively speaking this is significant because most parts of Indonesia is a land located in the lowlands.As expected, the flora of Indonesia contains many unique tropical plants, such as Rafflesia arnoldi, which is only found in certain parts of Sumatra, including the largest flower in the world; This parasitic plant grows on plantsspecific but does not produce leaves. From the same area in Sumatra comes another giant, Amorphoplalus titanium, with a huge zoom. Plant-eating insects (nepenthea Spp) has several different species from other parts of western Indonesia. The myriad of orchids are found in Indonesia is very rich in shapes and sizes, including the largest of all orchids, the tiger orchid Grammatophyllum speciosum, until the smallest species and petite taeniophyllum used locally as food and crafts. Land in Indonesia is very rich in water allowing fungi to grow lux horsehair blight, the luminescent species, the sooty mold and black mold.Furthermore, the existing flora makes Indonesia very abundant plants on the wood species. Family dpterocarp very famous in the world as the primary source of wood (meranti) as resins and vegetable fat, peanut tengkawang or illipe. Ramin, valuable timber species for furniture, including ganystylus species, while the sandal wood, ebony, ironwood and wood palembang taken directly from the forest. In addition, Indonesia is also known for its teak wood, a product of artificial forest in Java.Looking at the flora of Indonesia Indonesia is not surprising that people depend completely from natural resources to support their daily lives. There are an estimated 6000 species of Indonesian plants are directly used by the local community. The hallmark of the modern era is probably the use of plants as a source of raw materials of traditional medicine (Jamu) and for the purposes celebrations, customs and traditions.

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