Baluran National Park

Baluran National Park

 Baluran National Park is one of the National Parks in Indonesia are located in the Banyuputih, Situbondo, East Java, Indonesia (north of Banyuwangi). The name of the Park is taken from the name of the mountain is in this area, the mountain Baluran. Gate to get into the National Park Baluran be 7 ° 55'17 .76 "S and 114 ° 23'15 .27" E. This national park consists of savanna vegetation types, mangroves, monsoon forest, beach forest, lower montane forest, swamp forest and evergreen forests throughout the year. Savanna vegetation types dominate Baluran National Park which is about 40 percent of the total land area.


Before the year 1928 AH. Loedeboer, a hunter who has the Dutch nationality plantation concession areas in Labuhan Peacock and Mount Mesigit, never stop in Baluran. He has to pay attention and believe that Baluran has important value for the protection of animals, especially large mammals.
In 1930 KW. Dammerman who served as Director of the Bogor Botanical Gardens suggested the need Baluran designated as protected forests.
In 1937 the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies as a set Baluran Wildlife Refuge with the provisions of GB. No. 9 dated 25 September 1937 Stbl. No. 1937. 544.
In the post-independence period, Baluran set back as [Wheeler]] by the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Republic of Indonesia Decree Number. SK/II/1962 dated May 11, 1962.
On March 6, 1980, coinciding with the anniversary of the World Conservation Strategy, Wildlife Baluran by the Minister of Agriculture declared as a National Park.

Broad Areas

By SK. Minister of Forestry. 279/Kpts.-VI/1997 dated May 23, 1997 TN Baluran the set has an area of 25,000 ha.
In accordance with destining total area is divided into several zones based on SK. No. DG PKA. 187/Kpts./DJ-V/1999 dated December 13, 1999 are as follows: [2]
core zone of 12,000 ha.
jungle zone area of ​​5537 ha (aquatic and terrestrial = 1063 = 4574 Ha Ha).
intensive use zone with an area of ​​800 Ha.
special use zones with an area of ​​5780 ha, and rehabilitation zones covering 783 ha.


This National Park has about 444 species of plants and native plant of which are unique and able to adapt to very dry conditions. Typical plants are:

Widoro bukol (Ziziphus rotundifolia)
Neem (Azadirachta indica)
Pilang (Acacia leucophloea)
Other plants include:
Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)
Yam (Dioscorea hispida)
Pecan (Aleurites moluccana)
Gebang (Corypha utan)
Api-api (Avicennia sp.)
Kendal (Cordia obliqua)
Salam (Syzygium polyanthum)
Billowing (Sterculia foetida)


In the National Park, there are 26 species of mammals, among which are:

Banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus)
Wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
Dhole (Cuon alpinus javanicus)
Deer (Muntiacus muntjak muntjak)
Deer (Cervus russa timorensis)
Leopards (Panthera pardus melas)
Deer (Tragulus javanicus pelandoc)
Cats mangroves (Prionailurus viverrinus)

Animal bull is a mascot / characteristic of Baluran National Park. In addition, there are about 155 species of birds, which include rare birds such as:

Kites fire (Hirundo rustica)
Tuwuk asia (Eudynamys scolopacea)
Peacock (Pavo muticus)
Red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus)
Kangkareng (Anthracoceros convecus)
Hornbills (Buceros rhinoceros)
stork barrels (Leptoptilos javanicus)

This national park is divided into several observation posts. Post in the National Park include:

Bars. Here there is a cave in the form of Japanese heritage, the son of Maulana Malik Ibrahim's tomb, the peacock dance attraction in the breeding season (between the months of October / November) and camping. The facilities here include an information center and a campground.
Bekol and Semiang. Here there are facilities such as wildlife observation partridges, peacocks, deer, antelope, bison, wild buffalo, and birds. The facilities here include homestead adadi researchers, guest house, and the tower view.
Bama, Balanan, and Booths. Here is the location of marine tourism, fishing locations, diving / snorkeling, and attractions fights between male moose (July / August) and tourist flock of gray macaque crab fishing / crab with its tail at low tide.
Manting, and Air Kacip. Here there is a source of water that never dry throughout the year, and is a habitat for leopards.
Popongan, Sejile, Sirontoh, Kalitopo. Here there are facilities for boat ride on a calm sea, look at the various types of ornamental fish and migratory bird observation sites.
Brainstorming tears. Here there are facilities for rock climbing activities to 10-30 meters high and up to 85% slope.

The best visiting season is March s / d in August each year.
